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Meet Your 2022 Emcees

Writer's picture: Marketing & MediaMarketing & Media

Ellie Eimer

Dec. 5, 2021

EVANSTON -- The year was 2018. For most, it was just another normal day at Sargent dining hall, but for Freshman George Javitch, it was the beginning of his Dance Marathon (NUDM) journey. Javitch recalls someone approaching his table and pitching the unheard of - dancing for 30 hours.

Not too far away, Freshman Shira Hirsch was going about her new life in college when she was also approached about registering for NUDM.

“They harass you into doing it,” Hirsch said, “I was very skeptical going into it, but I had the most amazing experience.”

In the tent that year, Javitch and Hirsch watched as two emcees kept the spirit and energy alive for 30 straight hours. In moments they felt like falling asleep, Javitch and Hirsch were inspired to keep going because of the pure energy and craziness of those on stage. After exiting the tent, it was clear that one day they both wanted to be that source of energy for other dancers.

“One of us was like, ‘I think you’d be a great emcee’ and the other was like ‘no I think you would be a great emcee,’ and then we made a pact that we would do it together,” Javitch said, “Shira really balances me out, and she’s super dependable. If there are any hiccups in the tent, I know she will be able to handle it.”

While waiting for their time to shine, both future-emcees found other positions to keep them occupied. Hirsch joined the (now non-existing) Food committee and Special Events team, while Javitch worked closely with the Finance committee.

Now in their senior year with their moment of fame creeping up, it's time for the duo to start preparing.

While Hirsch believes she has not allowed the fame to get to her head, Javitch utilizes an interesting technique to stay grounded. He begins each morning by looking in the mirror and telling himself that he is “worthless” and a “bottom-feeder,” said Javitch. This ritual helps him stay down to Earth and ensures that each day can only get better, he said.

In terms of how dancers can prepare themselves for success in the tent - both emcees emphasize that the right mindset is absolutely crucial. The pair regularly attends yoga at SPAC at 7 pm on Mondays. They recommend all dancers, old and new, join them as they release tension and increase mindfulness.

While you still may be unsure if skipping a night-out in the city is worth it, this duo is here to tell you it definitely is. NUDM requires no Uber, serves snacks and even features the occasional visit from Morty. Hirsch added that the tent will also help your chances of finding love.

“You want a partner who is dedicated to helping people and who is willing to embarrass themselves by goofy dancing,” Hirsch said, “Because everyone who participates in NUDM is there for a good cause, it essentially weeds out a round of poor-suitors.”

The emcees agree: this is all more than Flash Dance Club can say.

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