Caroline Killilea
March 29, 2024

NUDM got a venue upgrade this year! The marathon is being held at none other than Welsh Ryan Arena, and dancers are loving the chance to take to the court for 15 hours.
“I think being in Welsh Ryan adds a really cool element to [Dance Marathon],” said School of Communications freshman Amanda Swickle. “With all the lights, the big space -- it really adds a lot of fun.”
The music was loud and spirits were high during Block One, with dance performances from the Student and Communications Pods. Northwestern a capella groups Brown Sugar and Extreme Measures also had the chance to perform for the crowd.
“I didn’t realize how much I was absolutely going to love being on the stage and how fun it would be dancing on the court with everyone,” said Student Committee member Emmy Lev. “I didn't predict how much energy that would give me.”
Block One also included speeches from representatives of NUDM’s beneficiaries. Matt Deutschman, Class of 2008, spoke about his own experience with Ronald McDonald House Charities. When his son Henry got sick as an infant, RMHC provided Matt and his wife a room in the hospital so that they could stay by Henry’s side.
“That room we slept in for eight days was a refuge for us,” said Deutschman. “We couldn't have gone through that experience without what Ronald McDonald House Charities provided us, so we're thankful to the organization. We’re thankful to you all for supporting them.”